MogilitsaThe village is situated 35 km. southeast from the administrative center of the Rodopa Mountain – Smolyan, 46 km. from the famous winter resort – Pamporovo, 135 km. from Plovdiv, 295 km. from the capital Sofia and only 5 km. from the Greek-Bulgarian border. Even though it is small village with 250 inhabitants, the village is an old cultural center, interweave the fates of people from different centuries, religions and cultures but kept the spirit typical only for the Rodopa Mountain and its warm all giving hospitality.
The village is situated on the two sides of Arda River. According to archeological and historical data before us here lived the thracians, slavs, hellenes, byzantians and a lot more nations, but the flame of life has never been extinguished from centuries. In 1834 in the village was build the “Agushevia Konak” – the biggest feudal castle in the Balkans for its time. It was his role to be the winter occupation of “Agush Aga” and his sons.
The construction of the “Agushevia Konak” continued 20 years and it was construction masterpiece of its time with 221 windows, 86 doors and 24 chimneys. It is situated among the beautiful rodopean nature with a view to the green meadow and forests surrounding the Arda River. The castle is so big that nowadays people speak about it in multiple amounts, not castle but castles. It is a closed space consisting of three consecutively yards, isolated from each other with inner walls. These yards are surrounded by housing and business buildings. The chimneys are high made from carved stone. All the rooms where the masters of the house where living, were big and light and nearly all rooms had a fireplace. It is still not know why one of the rooms has double walls and doors. There is also a channel for overhearing the conversations in the room above that one. The whole building can be described like the earlier family castles.
In the region of Mogilica there are more than 20 caves, but the most interesting one is the “Uhlovica” cave. It is situated in the area called the blue pools which is 3 km. away from the village in south direction, on the left side of the Arda River. Inside the cave can be seen crystal lakes deep to one meter, rock waterfalls and typical cave rock formations. It is suitable for visits and it is opened at suitable times.
Other caves in the region are “Goluboica” one and two, the “Red” cave near the village of Borikovo, the “Nadarska” cave and the cave “Garga Dere” which is also suitable for people who like more extreme moments, because to pass it you need a boat. To the northwest from Mogilica near the Chereshkite village is the “Kaleto”, old fortress from the time of the thracians, used also by the slavs.
Mogilica village provides all conditions for village and eco tourism. A tourist center was also established to help the tourist and also to improve the growth of the tourism in the region. With the help of that center and also with the financial help of the EU program PHARE, conditions for cave and walking tourism were made. A mountain guide is available for everyone who needs help. There are several interesting routes in the region, like for example to Arda village, to Koshnica village, to the Spring of Arda River, to Bukata village and the caves which are nearby, as well as to all other attractions characterizing the central Rodopa Mountain.
Ключови думи: резервация стаи хотели родопите родопите хотели могилица хотели хотели могилица хотели смолян смолян хотели смолян хотел rhodopes father house mogilitsa hotel mogilitsa hotel smolyan хотел смолян почивка в родопите родопите пампорово смолян почивка в могилица почивка на планина хотел бащината къща хотел могилица бащината къща къща хотел rezervaciq stai hoteli rodopite rodopite hoteli mogilica hoteli hoteli mogilica hoteli smolqn smolqn hoteli smolqn hotel rhodopes father house mogilitsa hotel mogilitsa hotel smolyan hotel smolqn pochivka v rodopite rodopite pamporovo smolqn pochivka v mogilica pochivka na planina hotel bashtinata kashta hotel mogilica bashtinata kashta kashta hotel |